May Winner is Hillary Clinton

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fair Tax

FairTax and the problem with congress
I have been saying that the biggest problem with getting the FairTax bill passed is not the people … IT IS CONGRESS.
FairTax eliminates a lot of lobbyist and that eliminates a great deal of campaign funding.
The letter below proves the point.  In plain English the question is BULL CRAP.  No concern for the people just for congress.They know that in every forum where the Flat Tax and The FairTax were debated the FairTax won. Just recently in Arizona
FairTax 42% - Flat Tax 17%. For the Republican Party to offer a survey on tax preference and not include the FairTax is Tyranny.
Please send an email to your congressperson and let them know you will work to defeat them if they do not play fair. Here is the response from Oliver Johnson. GOOD ON HIM.
Gentlemen, and I use the term loosely,
I resigned from the Republican Party because you guys had become deaf. You could not hear anything anyone said except "Yes Sir" and I had long since quit agreeing with your tactics and actions!
In your recent survey, question 11, "When it comes to reforms for debating our national tax system, do you support a Flat Tax to replace our current personal tax rates?"  
The choices were a) YES,  b) No Opinion.
Just to get your sense of how biased this question is, let me use your tactic on another matter.  "When it come to reforms for debating our NATIONAL energy policy, do you support whale oil to replace our current energy sources?   Choices    a)  Yes   b) No Opinion
I do not support the current federal tax system, which includes income, payroll, gift, and other taxes.  I do not support the Flat Tax.   I do not support the VAT, not that you asked.    I have more than an opinion, I have a passion for the FAIR TAX and eliminating the IRS as we know it.  And I have a passion for replacing dishonest congressmen of any party.
Oliver Johnson,
Rhinebeck, NY
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cutting The Budget

The President ordered the cabinet to cut $100 million from the $3.5 trillion federal budget. I'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to do the same thing with my personal budget.
I spend about $2000 a month on groceries, household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc, but it's time to get out the budget cutting axe, go through my expenses, and cut back. I'm going to cut my spending at exactly the same ratio, 1/35,000 of my total budget. After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending $2000 a month; I'm going to have to cut that number by six cents.
Yes, I'm going to have to get by with $1999.94, but that's what sacrifice is all about. I'll just have to do without some things, that are, frankly, luxuries. (Did the president actually think no one would do the math?)
John Q. Taxpayer

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Collective Bargaining

Good Teachers Would Benefit From An End To Collective Bargaining

As a result of our efforts to support Governor Walker’s legislation to end collective bargaining for some public employees in Wisconsin we have been attacked by the left (as expected). We have also received a handful of complaints from people who claim to be conservative. These complaints usually are some slight modification of the following: ”Why are you attacking hard working teachers and public employees.” As a result I feel it necessary to further expand on some key points.
Good teachers (and there are many of them) could actually benefit if the collective bargaining practice was ended. Collective bargaining has lead schools and government agencies to accept contracts treating every employee exactly the same. Teachers that perform well receive the same pay and benefits as the teachers who perform poorly. The result is that there is no incentive to excel as an educator and it is incredibly difficult to remove bad teachers under collective bargaining agreements. That being said, we know there are thousands of teachers doing their best every day under the current educational system to give students a good education. This fight has never been about them.
Eliminating collective bargaining would make it easier for school districts and other government agencies to negotiate performance based contracts with measurable results based criteria, rewarding those employees that excel. It will not take away worker rights as many are saying since worker rights are protected under existing law. Changing the law would also make it possible, although still difficult, to remove bad employees.
We do not dispute that unions played a large part in bringing about improvements to work conditions that we all enjoy. For that we are thankful. Riding on the coattails of history, modern unions are now little more than a political arm of the Democratic Party. National teacher’s unions time and time again use the phrase; “If you love the children, you need to spend more on education”. At the same time, performance in our educational system has been declining for many decades. We can and must do better for our children.
Contrary to liberal thinking, competition is a great motivator. I am a Conservative because I believe in free market principles. These same principles must be applied to the public sector if we want the best performance and the best results for our tax dollars. This is why I support Governor Scott Walker and the legislators who are fighting to save Wisconsin.

Defund NPR Now!

Tell The Truth

The Heritage Foundation

Obama VS Reagan

Fair Tax

Unity Song

Stop Spending Our Future