May Winner is Hillary Clinton

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tea Party Patriots

While on vacation in Norwich, NY I had the pleasure of meeting some Tea Party Patriots. It's good to know there's a handful of people in my old hometown that are paying attention to what's going on in government. Most people are either unaware or just don't care. We owe it to future generations of Americans to not only pay attention to what is going on around us but to also take a stand for what we believe. Politicians continue to raise taxes and increase spending while everyone else is forced to cut back and pay more taxes. It's up to patriotic Americans to unite the country and put pressure on corrupt politicians to bring real change. Small actions by lots of people will bring big change. Support your local Tea Party Patriots!

Defund NPR Now!

Tell The Truth

The Heritage Foundation

Obama VS Reagan

Fair Tax

Unity Song

Stop Spending Our Future