What happens when the number of have nots exceed the number of haves?
The economy implodes and we all become have nots. There's no doubt about it, Barack Obama's policies will destroy our economy and are already having a negative effect. He will increase the number of people not paying taxes to the point where they will be in the majority or close to it and will have the ability to vote for higher taxes for the people who do pay taxes. People who don't pay taxes don't care about tax rates or out of control government spending because it doesn't come out of their pockets. Our economy is a train wreck waiting to happen and the sooner people realize that and contact their government representatives to tell them they need to change what their doing the better off we will be. It makes no sense to spend more money when you're having financial problems. There's nothing fair about 50% of the people paying the bills for 100% of the people while the other 50% pay nothing. That's the Barack Obama logic. He is creating class warfare to increase the Democrats voter base and giving handouts to buy votes. He didn't bring change to Washington he brought more of the same.