May Winner is Hillary Clinton

Monday, January 5, 2009

Door 3 please!

Behind door 1 is a corrupt rich Democrat. Behind door 2 is a corrupt rich Republican. Behind door 3 is a poor hard working honest man that nobody has ever heard of. It's time for a third party. It's time for a new direction. It's time to open a different door and stop the insanity. It's time to vote for independence from Republican and Democrat control of government. It's time for a third party to take control.

Sweet Caroline

I don't know about you but sweet Caroline leaves a sour taste in my mouth. She's the newest member of the cult of personality. She thinks that because of who she is she is entitled to a job that she has no qualifications for. If her name doesn't get her the job I'm sure she could buy the job Chicago style. If she doesn't get picked for the job she could also try calling Al Franken for tips on stealing the job.

Defund NPR Now!

Tell The Truth

The Heritage Foundation

Obama VS Reagan

Fair Tax

Unity Song

Stop Spending Our Future