May Winner is Hillary Clinton

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We The People

Letter to our Government employees, Political Parties, the media and the American public:

This letter applies to the entities in our government and the political parties who have become nothing but a gang of thieves and liars and appeasers. This goes out to Democrats, Republicans, Independents…career politicians, lobbyists, criminal corporations, agencies, courts, Texas officials and the rest who conspire together against our citizens and our Constitution, our laws and our Freedom for their personal gain. I include your media pals who will turn on you when their ‘benefits’ dry up and there is nothing left to bail them out.; when their children ask why they did nothing to reveal what ultimately brought America to its knees.

What part of ‘Guilty’ do you people just not understand? What part of WE the PEOPLE don’t you get? When did you decide that Americans would not stand and fight once they realized the new Hitler Regime has installed itself in our country? When the sleeping giant realizes their front door has been kicked in and everything they worked for and believed in is being carted out? It’s embarrassing and nauseating to watch you people sit and cower in your seats and tremble while Obama, Murtha, Reid, Pelosi and their ilk behave as the Gestapo; silencing he half-hearted protests and barking orders, dispensing with protocol and legal procedure in Legislative committees and sessions while they smirk and thumb their noses at us all. A few Representatives and wannabes ‘posture’ and sing whatever song they think we will buy. They stand on stages and inspire the potential voters and then do nothing about the locked committee doors or the lack of inclusion by the ‘ruling’ party. They play ball with our enemies at home and abroad in secrecy. They are silent when our Constitutional laws are being ignored. They don’t use the system of checks and balances or remedies that are supposed to prevent circumvention of our laws.

Once again, I received a plea for money and support from John McCain and his bogus ‘Country First Pac’ and it boggles the mind considering the unmitigated gall. Country First? What does that mean? If he or the Lying, obfuscating Usurper in our White House had stepped up to the podium and actually told the people who they are and what their ultimate plans were, few would have cast a vote or a supportive dollar their way. After running a non-campaign in an obvious agreement to install the Usurper and his current Regime and even going so far as to undermine the best ally and asset he had if his intent had been to win, he thinks we are all stupid enough to support him. The disrespect and attempt to harm Sarah Palin is indefensible. She embodies the spirit of the Republican Conservative who loves America and our Constitution and she has a track record of undercutting the corruption that is rampant in our government; even when the corruption came from someone in her own Party. John McCain wasn’t losing well enough, as planned, even with the attempt to disrupt the positive effect of Palin; so he started ‘campaigning’ for his opponent. Do you honestly think we can’t see that the Republican Party was behind the whole thing and working in tandem with what we believed was the ‘other side’? It was nauseating to witness the complete refusal to expose the ‘Obama’ and all the praise offered him by our candidate.

Now, we have Bush Senior grinning and slobbering all over Obamao like a senile old woman. Lifelong Republicans have to face the fact that our government is entirely corrupt and our Party is DEAD; nothing but spineless buffoons destroying our future with their liberal politics and/or their absolute refusal to adhere to their Fiduciary responsibilities. WE don’t trust any of you. WE are looking at individuals and determining what they have actually DONE to promote and uphold American laws and values, not what they say when begging for our votes and money. You are all going to vote on behalf of the criminal lobbyists and corporations, big money contributors and, worst of all, the political money machine that is poised to rule the world…you have proven yourselves incompetent and untrustworthy. McCain and other pseudo-Republicans will go the same way as Reid and all who have refused to secure our borders and National Security and push the rest of the Liberal Socialistic agenda with no regard for the citizens who work hard and pay their salaries. McCain dilutes his own service to this country. His time is over and he needs to step aside before we completely forget what he endured on our behalf or seriously question what it did to damage his sensibilities.

McCain and many of our spineless ‘representatives’ have played the ‘centrist’, the liberal Republican for far too long. The productive, independent, patriotic backbone of this country has spoken and we are gaining in ranks. We are coming together with citizens from all races, Parties and backgrounds to fight the likes of you. My time, what little I have to offer and my efforts will go to those who speak up and tell the truth. It will go to those who ‘act’ and who join us in our efforts to take back our country and preserve our Liberties…not some joke of a Party which no longer upholds our values. It will go to individuals and not some political machine. I receive pleas from the Republican Party for donations on a regular basis while Michael Steele whines about making a ‘mistake’ in supporting SCUZZYfova. Mistake? Huh? The Republican Party knew who and what she was before they endorsed her.

The time for damage control is running out. Too many government agencies are corrupt and working in the service of those entities who set out to bring down our economy. Those who are not accepting money or other forms of compensation are obviously being threatened. I’ve seen too much of this up close as have many other citizens. How many of us do you think can be silenced? How many of us do you think are going to accept this heinous ‘change’ you have foisted upon us in the dark of night with back room deals, pandering to illegal immigrants and their countrymen along with the parasitic entitlement society to secure fraudulent votes and thuggery at the polls? You cannot fool the American public. We see the installation of everything from miscreants who eschew America and our values to practicing Muslims, Communists, Socialists, filthy pedophiles and tax evaders in the illegal Administration that set out to consume and control the industry in our Nation.

WE came to D.C. in the millions to be heard and to leave no question in your minds regarding what we will put up with and what we will do to take this country back. Arguably, there were over 3 million peace loving and hard working tax payers in D.C. or trapped on the freeways trying to enter and join the march in September. WHERE WERE YOU on 9/12/2009? Most of you cowards, Republican and Democrat alike, and your staff were given the ‘day off’ and told to get out of town that Thursday and you ran. Only a few of you stood WITH US and spoke the truth from that stage. WE traveled under hardship and from all corners of the world and you ran out of the city it was so hard for us to get to; some of you on our nickel in the luxury jets WE pay for. By our very numbers, we represented many millions more and you know those statistics better than I. We did not and do not ask for hand outs. We did not march for reliance on government ‘parenting’. WE came to tell you to get it together or get lost or we would throw you out on your ears along with the flop-eared fraud who is nothing but vomit on the floors of OUR White House. He, his spawn, his spouse and his Regime of Czars are the putrid result of your neglect and malfeasance.

And now, you want us to buy into the attempt to ‘blame’ only the Democrats and this Administration/REGIME? Are you out of your minds or do you honestly believe WE are? Are you merely stupid or are you members of a criminal gang of thieves and murderers? You have handed over our money and our Sovereignty to appease the entitlement society and the big contributors. At some point, most of you became a member of the mob in the process. You became nothing more or less than another parasite on the American Welfare System for life. The only difference between you and the illegal immigrant or the massive number of people draining our system through welfare programs YOU created is that you write your own welfare tickets. There is no difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Most of you sold out and most of you participated directly in the destruction of our country and our economy. Few have stepped up and stood up for America, our heritage and those who are dying right now to preserve everything we love and represent. NONE of you have the guts to expose what you know and tell the whole TRUTH, the real truth about what is going on in secrecy. In this day of communication, videos, pictures and testimony; we have enough information and more citizens by the day are beginning to learn and realize the nightmare many of you have in store for us. Many of us are already living most of that nightmare and we know who is responsible for our pain and losses.

When did you decide to sell out yourself, your country, your children and the people who trusted you? When did you make that first decision to ‘go along’ with the fraud and corruption? What did you already have to hide or did you create your first act of deception and treason the first time you agreed to something in your political life that you knew was fundamentally wrong? While you protect yourself, your pal, your corporate crony, your party, your powerful and moneyed contributor(s) from exposure; you participate in the annihilation of everything you vowed an Oath to protect.

You come begging to the very people who have nothing or little left on EMPTY PROMISES?! You are disgusting, disreputable, dishonorable excuses for human beings…much less leaders. If we set out today with honorable and investigative entities, departments and prosecutorial officers who are entrusted and paid by US to uphold and enforce our existing laws…many of you, including the current probable fraud in the White House, would be in prison cells in short order along with your cronies. You and they have conned, defrauded and stolen us into what is probably an irreversible pit of destruction and despair. AND YET, here you are asking us for money and support! YOU gave OUR money away and assisted in the loss of our jobs, our homes, our health and our property if by no other action than inaction. Our RICO laws were enacted to stop what you all seem to be participating in on one level or another. People like me and others who suffered from racketeering found that when local authorities and prosecutors and courts, judges and agencies could not be trusted; they were protected at state and Federal levels. It is blatant ‘in your face’ corruption and we see the dead bodies that seem to pile up every time an effort is made to expose the criminals.

You refused to enforce our immigration laws, you refused to vet the Usurper, you refused to stand up when millions of us begged for at least two of you to question and expose what we all already knew and were powerless to act upon, you refused to put a halt to the bogus global warming scam and related global treaties, Cap and Trade (TAX), government intervention in our private lives and our personal medical care. But, there you are in session refusing to read the bills or listen to one another’s speeches while you play solitaire, check sports scores and play on Face Book. Impressive. We will fire you for that, just as we would fire any employee on our payroll for negligence.

WE DO NOT WANT A NEW WORLD ORDER, GLOBAL ECONOMY, GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND THE HITLERESQUE/MARXIST SOCIETY you are pushing or going along with to prevent exposure of your own trespasses. Pelosi said it herself; this is the endgame, the un-Constitutional usurpation of our Liberty couched in legislation intended to fool the masses by calling it Healthcare. That Bill is roughly 2000 pages of theft and racketeering and you think we will accept a compromise or two? Even if you say no illegals will be covered, that only means you turn around and grant amnesty to the lot of them; including the possible illegal who managed to slither into our White House. How can you compromise on a Bill you haven’t read, much less vote on it? Burn it now and revisit it AFTER we have eliminated the waste and fraud that already exists, secured our borders and deported every last illegal and you can figure out how to put together a simpler version that actually benefits Legal citizens. We won’t bow down to any government entity. We won’t join other countries who allow some system of massive bureaucracies funded by massive costs stolen out of our pockets with lowlife government employees determining who can live and who can die…who gets the treatment they need or merely a pain pill and death counseling. Counseling from another ill trained, incompetent government parasite?

By your desired definition and that of ‘Nappy-politano’, I would be labeled an extremist. By the current Regime’s convenient definition I would be labeled a terrorist or some such in order to inter me in one of those camps we’ve all seen pictures and videos of. But, the reality is this: Most of you are the real enemies of our Nation working in tandem with those from other countries who want nothing more than to sink a saber in the backs of you and your children to rule the world. I am a simple, hard working citizen who grew up learning history and respecting our system of laws. A woman who wouldn’t park in a handicap spot out of laziness or convenience. A woman who values the rewards and compensation earned from work and personal effort. I am not a religious fanatic nor am I some activist freak with illusions of grandeur. I don’t speak from a position of paranoia or dementia. I have the experience, knowledge and proof to back me up and so do others. I have history to guide me and the eyes and intelligence to see what is happening. I believe in America and the Constitution and all the people who sacrificed everything to preserve it. AND I am a voter. AND I speak for MILLIONS of American Citizens who are doing their best to survive this catastrophe.

Extreme? Would you be extremely angry if your personal life, finances, health and American Dream had been systematically destroyed by corporate criminals who were blatantly under the protection of every major policing, investigative, political and enforcement agency? Would you be furious watching the same thing being done to your fellow citizens, who also begged for help and legal intervention even after you had tried to ring the bell and stop the train? Would you find it hard to breathe when some of the criminals were finally exposed and yet they were gifted Billions out of our Treasury while people like me were left to twist in the wind and watch the people most responsible given positions of power, raises, promotions and crazy bonuses for jobs done badly or illegally? Who would not be utterly incredulous when the same agency who tells you that your life is in danger because of your evidence and efforts to achieve justice and then informs you that another ‘deal’ has been cut with the corporate perpetrators and they have been set loose to continue their racketeering as usual and the public will not be informed; leaving millions of innocent people at the mercy of their continued fraud? What does a lawful citizen, a victim do when that agency says a broad policy has been issued to keep those results secret and that FOIA requests will not be honored?

People like me should have been testifying before Congress. We have and will continue to amass evidence that will see the light of day.

This mess is building to a crescendo while you all fiddle and try to hang onto the wealth and privilege you have attained in your quest for ‘royal status and aristocratic immunity and lifestyles’ at our expense and loss. CAN YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE? CAN YOU FEEL THE GROUNDSWELL? WILL YOU HIDE IN YOUR BUNKERS OR JOIN THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION WHO WILL NOT LIE DOWN AND SUCK IT UP AND CONTINUE TO WORK AND SUPPORT FRAUD, THEFT AND GENERAL MALFEASANCE WHILE THEIR DREAM IS REDUCED TO A PUFF OF PUTRID SMOKE AND THEIR LIVES HAVE BEEN INTRUDED UPON IN THE MOST PERSONAL AND PRIVATE ASPECTS? When the people you depend upon have little left to lose, they will act out of desperation and self-preservation and we will all pay a horrific price for it.

Your private,’ members only’ game of Monopoly will come to a screeching halt one way or the other. Do you really think we are going to allow you and your corporate cronies to take over and control what will add up to nearly 50% of our industry with the current UnHealthcare legislation? Do you really think we are going to be ABLE OR CARE to work and pay the taxes that you depend upon to fund your incompetence? Do you think Americans will work in chains and at the end of a whip or a gun? WE are broke BECAUSE YOU idiots can’t manage a Dairy Queen, much less an entire country…or political Party. You can’t even offer a half-million dollar ‘Save Wild Horses Bill” without adding another $ 650 Million in pork and welfare. You’re so corrupt and derelict in your duties that you add Hate Crime legislation to the Military and Defense Bill in order to get that insane twaddle passed because it would not pass on its own. If that is not extortion, I don’t know what is…yet you all practice it routinely. If we are all working for the government or sitting on our fannies collecting welfare checks, how are you going to pay for your jets, parties and Gold Standard medical care? Oh yeah, many of you have your bribery funds to tap into for the time being. That is until the New World Order starts eliminating your jobs as well.

The scores of self-interested individuals and billions of dollars that you all circulate amongst yourselves and your conflicts of interest are not going unnoticed any longer and will not be tolerated. We won’t cower in fear while this massive ‘Home Invasion’ minus (so far…anyway) the kicking down of our doors and the literal raping of our children continues. There is no difference between the two ‘crimes’ and we demand exposure, prosecution and an end to this insanity.

Like the career criminal facing life in prison, you think you can apologize or blame someone else to sidestep your culpability? Make promises without taking responsibility for your roles in this travesty? Glory, wealth, privilege, authority, control, prosecutorial immunity is only temporary. A remedial course in history will teach you that lesson. Take a little time away from your computer games, money swaps, golf outings, elaborate parties, jet setting, gratuitous glad -handing and mutual back slapping and read a bit of World History.

To be clear: I am not personally making sinister threats as I don’t have the means to carry out any threats you might imagine or attempt to accuse me of. I am however exercising my right to tell the truth, speak my opinion and observe obvious facts and a ‘climate’ that is heating up in my country and it saddens me to acknowledge what I believe will eventually occur. No matter what happens now, we have a lot of work to do. The first of which is to remove most of you and hopefully prosecute a good number of guilty parties. We will find a way through the grassroots efforts and involvement of so many Americans to bring our own candidates to the table and vote the bulk of you out of office as quickly as we can. We can only do our best and hope our beloved Nation is not forced to follow the same route as our Founders due to our own government’s role in putting the apparent Muslim-in-Chief in charge and declaring war on the citizens.

After the horrific shootings of innocent citizens and military personnel by a Muslim who should have been apprehended based upon his actions prior to the incident, shouldn’t we all be concerned about this frightening sham of a POTUS who was trained in the most devout Muslim schools and schooled relentlessly from childhood in Socialist/Marxist/communist philosophy and who sings the praises of Islam and gifts money to Muslim terrorist funds, spends years developing relationships with pedophiles, thugs, tax evaders, domestic terrorists and murderers, an America hating/vitriol spewing preacher and criminal community organizations? Shouldn’t we worry about the installation of those people in influential, high paid government positions? Shouldn’t we question how he attained his position and who helped him reach that status? Shouldn’t we be a bit disconcerted over his and his minions’ mad dash to ram through one Marxist policy and law after another? Why are our useless leaders and our courts sitting idly by while he spends more than $1.5 million to prevent turning over his birth certificate, college records and all the other pertinent information the American people have every right to see? Shouldn’t we demand he stand aside, turn it all over, tell the truth instead of allowing him to behave as though he and he alone is so elevated as to be above the law and better than all former Presidents who were happy to prove their legitimacy? Millions of Americans are still waiting for the answers to these questions that we have asked and our pseudo-leaders continue to dance around and refuse to even acknowledge. Would those revelations be harmful or embarrassing? More harmful than the long term damage that is already being done? Do truth and our Sovereignty, our Freedom and our legacy mean less than protecting and assisting a liar and a probable fraud?

Jump to conclusions? Give me a break. How much more evidence do we need to come to the only possible conclusion about the current circumstances we are facing?

- Deborah Warren
Texan, Natural Born American Citizen, Patriot and Constitutionalist

Posted By giveusliberty1776 to Give Us Liberty at 11/15/2009 09:44:00 AM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Government continues to grow

The current administration is preying on the hopes and fears of the middle class and the poor. Government programs force people to become dependent on the government to take care of them. The more the government expands the more it controls our lives and the less free we become. Big government gives more power to politicians and takes it from the people they claim to represent. They convince people to support them by bribing them with handouts and campaign promises. The selfishness of the people fuels the fire that makes politicians even more rich and powerful while the people are at the mercy of the government which is destroying a great country and turning it into a third world country where freedom is dying and the power of the government continues to grow.

The truth hurts

The smear campaign of Barack Obama's friends continues with vicious truth being told about what they really stand for. The truth about his radical left wing friends is spreading so fast his presidency will surely crash and burn if he continues to associate with mostly Republican hating Communists.

Nobel Peace Prize

The award for the most arrogant liberals on earth who think they know everything. President Obama is nominated for the award 10 days after getting elected and receives the award after accomplishing absolutely nothing. This is the nail in the coffin of the Nobel Peace Prize. It is a political award that has everything to do with being a liberal and nothing to do with bringing peace.


If poor people did what rich people do they would be rich. If rich people did what poor people do they would be poor. If you're poor and you want to be rich you need to change what you're doing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

The government spending spree continues. This is nothing more than a back door bailout program for car manufacturers and a way to help politicians buy more votes by giving away more taxpayer money. After the government blows through a couple of more billion dollars the program will end. Car sales will then come crashing down even lower than they were before the program. People who bought cars will probably vote for the idiots who supported this legislation and once again taxpayers will be stuck with paying the bill.

Justice is finally served

The racist nominated to the Supreme Court by Barack Obama will undoubtedly be confirmed but will forever be remembered as the judge who threw out a discrimination case that was overturned by the Supreme Court. In the process of giving blacks and other minorities equal rights we have been denying equal rights to whites. Judge Sotomayor ruled against the constitution and the rule of law. The scary thing is 4 justices agreed with her decision that was clearly wrong. The New Haven firefighters finally got justice but clearly personal feelings are now becoming a big factor in who gets justice and who does not. It appears that justice is no longer blind.

Harvard School of Stupidity

What I once thought was an elite school for highly intelligent people I now think of as a school for the highly ignorant. I hate to judge someone by the school they go to or work at but it seems that Harvard is the breeding ground for stupidity. The new professor of stupidity 101 is Professor Gates. After getting locked out of his own house and attempting to break in the police catch him in the act of what appears to be a crime in progress. Instead of cooperating with police the professor takes the low road and falsely accuses the police officer of being a racist even though it is clearly the professor who is the racist. He expected to be treated better than a white person who under the same circumstances would have not only been arrested but also charged. President Obama also acted stupidly by supporting this racist professor and bringing him to the Whitehouse at taxpayers expense. This was nothing more than another photo op that should have never happened. The police department should sue the president and Professor Gates for slander but I'm sure the police have better things to do unlike the President and the professor who are probably already working together on a documentary on racist white people.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tea Party Patriots

While on vacation in Norwich, NY I had the pleasure of meeting some Tea Party Patriots. It's good to know there's a handful of people in my old hometown that are paying attention to what's going on in government. Most people are either unaware or just don't care. We owe it to future generations of Americans to not only pay attention to what is going on around us but to also take a stand for what we believe. Politicians continue to raise taxes and increase spending while everyone else is forced to cut back and pay more taxes. It's up to patriotic Americans to unite the country and put pressure on corrupt politicians to bring real change. Small actions by lots of people will bring big change. Support your local Tea Party Patriots!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Support HR25

I've said it before and I'll say it again. "We need to pass HR25 (The Fair Tax) now." This would be a solution to a lot of our problems. Go to and educate yourself. Support real change not more of the same. Help eliminate our complicated taxcode which keeps getting worse just like everything else the government touches.

Drill baby drill

Sarah Palin hit the nail on the head when she said we need to drill for more oil in the US. We need to use every available resource to eliminate the need for foreign oil. Alternative energy sources will help us in the long run but we also need our own supply of oil to get us to energy independence quicker.

Obama should be impeached

If American troops are being ambushed by the Taliban, air strikes can't be used if there is civilians in the area. This is the Obama message of you're on your own if you need help being sent to our military. This is also a message being sent to the Taliban that if you want to defeat the Americans use civilian shields. You can't win a war when your opponent has the ability to do whatever they want and you are severely restricted in everything you do. If this is the way we are expecting to fight a war we should bring our troops home now instead of sending them on a suicide mission. Barack Obama should be impeached for being a traitor.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Death Penalty

Cop killer Michael Addison gets the death penalty which is exactly what he deserves. The cop was killed just one block from my house. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I left for work early in the morning right after it happened not having any idea what was going on. I drove by several empty police cars with their lights flashing but there was no sirens. It was dark and I could hear a helicopter flying directly overhead but I couldn't see it. I saw cops on foot going through the neighborhood with their guns drawn. It was the most eery feeling I've ever experienced. I immediately tuned my radio to the local station and found out that the cops were looking for someone who shot a police officer. I immediately tried calling home to let my family know what was going on. There was no answer but luckily I heard the police were reasonably certain that this psycho had left the area. I was thrilled to hear recently the news that he wouldn't be spending the rest of his life at the country club for the criminally insane. My happiness was short lived when I found out some spineless lawmakers decided the taxpayers should give this animal free room and board. They would also be giving him a better healthcare plan then most Americans have. It amazes me how easy it is for violent criminals to live such a good life while their victims don't get to live at all. If the victim is lucky enough to survive the life they live is often much worse than the life of their attacker. I hope the spineless weasles who protect these violent criminals sleep good at night. I know I won't as long as violent criminals get little more than a slap on the wrist. Governor John Lynch has promised to veto any bill that abolishes the death penalty and I hope he keeps that promise.

Voter Fraud

Voter ID's are long overdue. I've moved many times over the years and voted in many locations. Every time I voted I was able to find my name on the voter list by reading upside down faster than the person on the other side of the table reading right side up. Sometimes I would point to my name and say I'm right there and of course they took my word for it and handed me a ballot. If I were dishonest it would be easy for me to vote multiple times. We need to take voter fraud more seriously and start requiring ID's NOW!

Blame Game

In a perfect world Nancy Pelosi would hold a press conference and say " I would be more than happy to take credit for authorizing the use of torture which saved millions of American lives from terrorist attacks." Unfortunately we are now listening to um, um, a where is my statement about the lying of the C.I.A.. I had no idea what they were doing. They misled us. I couldn't possibly know what they were doing because I wasn't at that meeting where they talked about that waterboarding stuff. It's amazing how politicians are quick to point the finger of blame at someone else even though they are just as guilty. Nancy Pelosi is now finding out what is meant when people say " For every finger you point at someone else there's one pointing back at you."

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Democrats will continue to use the media to attack anyone who disagrees with them. Patriotic Americans are fighting back by taking the fight directly to the people. The tea parties are a great way to organize and let people know the Democrats are leading us to disaster. The Democrats continue to lose ground as more and more people realize how reckless and irresponsible the government is becoming. I expect the tea party movement to grow at a very fast pace. In 2010 Republicans will crush the Democrats at the voting booth and put the brakes on the socialist agenda of the current administration.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

RINO leaves under pressure of losing his job,

Arlen Spector left the Republican party because he would have lost the primary and he knew if he went to the Democrats he would have a better chance of winning with the help of democrats. The democrats have been in charge for more than two years and things have gone from bad to worse. I think it will be tough for democrats to get elected in 2010. Although because Arlen is a moderate he may have a better chance of winning than his liberal friends. Don't be surprised though if a Democrat challenges him in the primary. I think some Democrats will see this as a Republican running against a Republican which may motivate someone else to jump in the race. I also think you will see a ton of money being spent to defeat him.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flip Flop

When George Bush was president dissention was patriotic according to liberals. Now that Barack Obama is president dissention makes you a radical racist redneck.

Racial discrimination

If black firefighters are denied employment based on a test it must be racist. If white firefighters are denied employment based on the color of their skin it's called affirmitive action. If people want to end racial discrimination they should stop asking people to write down their race on any application anywhere. Employment decisions should be based on your qualifications without any consideration to your race. Employers who discriminate against blacks or whites should be prosecuted. Equal employment opportunity is the law and it should be enforced. People can't seem to believe that there's discrimination against white people. The truth is there's more discrimination against whites than blacks. Discrimination is wrong against anyone and should be stopped.

Obama continues to weaken national security.

When asked about releasing information that proves interrogation methods used by the Bush administration saved American lives, Hillary Clinton criticizes Dick Cheney. What happened to transparency? If the Obama administration has nothing to hide they should be happy to release any requested information instead of only releasing information that makes us look bad. Barack Obama would rather let millions of Americans die than to offend a terrorist. If a terrorist wanted information they would cut off the heads of our soldiers and kill our families. If we need to get information we are expected to ask politely and hope they tell us what we want to know. Say what you will about the Bush administration but it's no coincidence that we haven't been attacked in 7 years. The Obama administration continues to weaken our national security and it's an outrage that they would even consider investigating the previous administration which was successful at protecting this country. You can't get ahead by constantly looking back.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama will bankrupt the country

Say what you will about Rush Limbaugh but the truth is in order for our country to return to prosperity any time soon Barack Obama must fail to push through his socialist policies. His policies will bring relief to some at the expense of others. His basic philosophy is not to help people pick themselves up but to drag successful people down. The end result will be a country full of people dependent on the government. In order to support a bloated government he will tax the rich right out of existence. With spending going through the roof and tax revenue dropping like a rock he will bankrupt the country and significantly increase the time it takes to end the recession.

The Fair Tax

The corrupt politicians biggest advantage is in the fact that most voters will not take the time to educate themselves about the issues. They are experts at the shell game. While they are bragging about the tax cut they gave you they hope you won't notice the various other new and higher taxes. I support the Fair Tax because it dramatically simplifies the tax system and eliminates the need for multiple taxes. It also goes a long way to eliminate the corruption in the current system.

Yes we can!

Barack Obama has successfully divided the country in half. Half the people are following him like lemmings to certain death. The other half are uniting to defeat his socialist agenda and bring freedom and prosperity back to our country. If he thinks Americans will sit by and do nothing while the government destroys our economy, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will tolerate out of control spending, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will tolerate out of control taxes, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will tolerate corrupt politicians, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will stand by and do nothing while he gives billions of dollars to other countries and drives up our taxes and debt even higher, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will stand by and do nothing while he gives money to poorly run businesses and dead beats, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will stand by and do nothing while he rewrites the constitution, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will tolerate being pushed around by radical groups, he's wrong! If he thinks Americans will tolerate out of control illegal immigration, he's wrong! It's time to send a message to Washington. We don't work for politicians. Politicians work for us. If patriotic Americans stand together we can bring change to Washington and take back our country from the arrogant elitist politicians who probably couldn't even balance their own checkbook let alone run a country. We can take back our country. To quote a famous politician "Yes we can!"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blame Game

Everything the government touches turns to crap. The never ending government interventions is nothing but a power play by Democrats. When was the last time you saw the government run anything efficiently or effectively. Politicians have no accountability and will bleed the taxpayers dry without even a second thought. When politicians blame Wall street greed and corruption for creating our recession I feel like my head is going to explode from the stupidity of the thought. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. The greed and corruption in Washington is 100 times greater than on Wall street. If politicians want to know who destroyed our economy all they have to do is look in the mirror. When they finish blaming everyone else for the problems they caused maybe we can come up with sensible solutions like cutting spending on stuff we don't need and rewarding people who generate jobs and invest wisely. The politicians who didn't see financial disaster coming despite being warned are now telling us it's a good idea to spend money we don't have and worry about the massive debt later. We are expected to take financial advice from people who are responsible for accumulating trillions of dollars in debt. Call me crazy but I think the American people are victims of the biggest scam ever.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Congress gives themselves a raise!

Congress voted themselves a pay raise of 4700 without even batting an eye. While everyone else struggles to survive they vote themselves a pay raise. There's something wrong with someone having the ability to give themselves a raise. It's too bad everyone doesn't have the ability to give themselves a raise then we would all be rich. Of course eventually our employers would all be bankrupt and then we would lose our jobs and be broke. That's ok though we can live on welfare and get everything for free.

Tax 100% of Obama's income!

I'm the first person to say the people at AIG don't deserve bonuses. Although I'm adamantly against using the IRS as a weapon to punish people. The way Barack Obama has blown through taxpayers money maybe we should pass a law to tax 100% of his income and see how he likes it. This sets a very dangerous presidence when we use the IRS to punish people because we don't like something they did. I can't believe that anybody voted for this and anybody who did should crawl back under the rock where they came from. This is a disgrace to our country and makes me embarrased to be in a country that would do something so outrageous.

Obama, irresponsible and dishonest

The Democratic party will stand behind Barack Obama no matter what he does. If he succeeds it will insure that Democrats get reelected. If he fails it will almost certainly mean Democrats will be thrown out of office in 2010. Anticipating their soon departure in 2010 they are trying to ram through as much legislation as possible as quickly as possible. They are also giving money and jobs to radical liberal groups to support their agenda and help them get reelected. The huge increase in the size and scope of the government should scare every American. Barack Obama is quick to judge others on responsibility and honesty but in the short time he's been in power he's become the poster boy of irresponsibility and dishonesty.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama administration disarms pilots.

Barack Obama's administration is trying to disarm pilots. This is just one more stupid move that will make us more vulnerable to terrorists. The administration recently diverted $2 million from a program to train and certify pilots to carry firearms while on duty. Instead opting to use the money to hire additional field inspectors to help discipline pilots who may step out of line.

The patients are running the asylum.

Freddie and Fannie are next in line to give out bonuses to the losers who are partly responsible for the destruction of our economy. I pray to God that someone is following the paper trail to see what politicians are getting political donations from the companies we are bailing out. I would also be very interested in knowing what politicians were getting money from Bernie Maddof. The only way he could get away with what he did would be to pay someone to look the other way. It seems like the patients are running the asylum.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Barack Obama's plan to cut military spending.

Terrorists get free healthcare but Barack Obama wants to start making wounded veterans pay for their own healthcare to save the government money. I have a better idea. The government makes the terrorists home country pay for their healthcare otherwise they can just rot in jail. The government should pay all of the veterans healthcare and send the bill to the country where they were wounded. That way the country the veteran was helping can return the favor by helping the veteran pay their healthcare. Ok, so that will never happen. But there's nothing more ludicrous than making a Veteran pay with their own private insurance healthcare expenses incured while they were in the military.

Monday, March 16, 2009

AIG is toast

If the government continues to attack the employees who earned bonuses and have a legal right to collect bonuses they will bring down the company they are supposed to be helping. Nobody will want to work for this company or do business with this company knowing the government can step in at any time and take away money they've earned at will. Had the government put a little more thought into the agreement with AIG they would have seen this coming and made the elimination of bonuses earned as part of the agreement BEFORE they bailed them out. It seems like politicians foresight is getting worse by the day. Barack Obama is pretending that he is surprised by these bonuses but getting these bonuses was a part of the agreement he made. This situation is getting so bad they need armed guards outside the building at AIG. They might as well shut the place down before they waste any more taxpayer money.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Help Wanted

No experience necessary. Must be able to spend large amounts of money at a speed faster than we can print it. Must be able to carry your own weight and the weight of everyone else. Must be willing to take bribes and various other forms of illegal compensation.
Please apply at:
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Ask for President Obama

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Politics as usual

After saying he would ban earmarks he signs a bill with almost 9000 earmarks. It seems Barack Obama never learned to say no and he never learned that you can't spend more than you earn. Common sense once again gets thrown out the window.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fair Tax

High taxes on businesses and rich people hurts everyone! I support low taxes for everybody. Low taxes make everyone's life better and dramatically improves the economy. Support the Fair Tax, HR25.

Teach them to fish!

If you give a man a fish he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime. Barack Obama wants to give people money but if he really wants to help them he should be helping them to learn how to get it for themseves.

Fix it!

I am not a Republican or a Democrat. That being said I feel the need to point out the fact that Democrats have been in control for the last two years and they need to stop pointing a finger at the Republicans and start fixing the mess they helped create.

More of the same

What happens when the number of have nots exceed the number of haves?
The economy implodes and we all become have nots. There's no doubt about it, Barack Obama's policies will destroy our economy and are already having a negative effect. He will increase the number of people not paying taxes to the point where they will be in the majority or close to it and will have the ability to vote for higher taxes for the people who do pay taxes. People who don't pay taxes don't care about tax rates or out of control government spending because it doesn't come out of their pockets. Our economy is a train wreck waiting to happen and the sooner people realize that and contact their government representatives to tell them they need to change what their doing the better off we will be. It makes no sense to spend more money when you're having financial problems. There's nothing fair about 50% of the people paying the bills for 100% of the people while the other 50% pay nothing. That's the Barack Obama logic. He is creating class warfare to increase the Democrats voter base and giving handouts to buy votes. He didn't bring change to Washington he brought more of the same.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Real estate prices still high.

Before the price of real estate dropped like a rock it shot through the roof. The price of real estate was way to high and now that the market is correcting itself the government is jumping in to help the people who bought at the high point and now can't afford their house. I'm sorry for their lack of planning and foresight but why are people who pay their bills now responsible for people who don't. Barack Obama lied when he said we are helping people who pay their bills. If that were true they would not be in foreclosure. Even with the big drop in real estate prices the average price of a home is still higher than it should be.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Positive Change!

Barack Obama gives an impressive speech to anyone who doesn't know anything about business or politics. Apparently more than half the population of the United States fall into that category. What we are witnessing is a war between Wall Street and the government. The government is building up it's troops and Wall Street is running scared. Government control of business is a recipe for disaster. The more government interferes the worse things will get. It's time for a solution from the people that will save our economy. It's time to pass HR25. It's time for drastic measures that actually improve our economy. For more info go to and tell everyone you know to do the same. It's time for positive change!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stimulus Bill

Any good lawyer will tell you don't sign anything that you haven't read. The stimulus bill is 1100 pages and I would be willing to bet that nobody who is voting for this bill has had the time or the initiative to read this bill in it's entirety. Everyone will be affected by this bill but almost nobody has had the chance to read it. The Democrats are willing to bankrupt the country by trying to quickly push through a stimulus bill which is full of pork projects that should be put off until we solve the immediate problems. This bill is everything that Barack Obama said it is not. It is full of earmarks, pet projects and is everything but bipartisan. Less than a month in office and the lies are flowing fast and furious. what happened to transparency and honesty. Contrary to what Democrats and a few Republicans may think, doing nothing in this case would be better than doing the wrong thing.This is clearly the wrong thing to do. It rewards bad behavior. If this bill passes we will be cleaning house on voting day and throwing the bastards who voted for this screw you bill out of office.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who's next on the gravy train?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The economy is killing the pornography business. Maybe the government should help out the poor struggling prostitutes and sex peddlers. It's too big of a business to just let it fail. Professional sports are struggling to survive because only a small percentage of sports teams can afford the ridiculous salaries. The government should give money to all of the struggling teams to make it more fair. How about the music industry? People can't afford $100 for a nosebleed seat at a concert. The government should help out the performers so they don't lose money when nobody can afford to buy their overpriced tickets. Where do we draw the line? What happened to learning from failure? When it's my turn for a handout from the government I only need a couple of million dollars, a guarantee that I won't have to pay taxes and a guarantee that my kids won't have to pay taxes to pay off the astronomical national debt. I'm just waiting to see the government build larger and faster printing presses to print the money we will need. It's just a matter of time before we will all be rich and everything will be free. Ok , so maybe we are headed in the right direction. Money for nothing and checks for free. Barack Obama is brilliant!

Support succesful companies

Profitable companies are evil. Exxon Mobile is demonized for being profitable, unlike numerous other companies that require handouts from the government and are cutting back on jobs. Exxon Mobile thrives, provides thousands of jobs and puts huge amounts of money into our economy via taxes, wages and dividends. Despite this fact politicians continue to give millions of dollars to poorly run failing companies. That's like going to a race and putting all of your money on a long shot and expecting to win. When you invest in successful companies everyone benefits. When you invest in unsuccessful companies you may get lucky but more often than not you will only get burned.

Global Warming

I went to work one day and it was 12 below zero with a wind chill of about 30 below zero. It was so cold it was hard to breathe. I would like the new administration to find a way to increase global warming. Global warming sounds much better than another ice age. Nobody talks about the ideal temperature for humans. Polar bears might thrive in a cold environment but humans do not.Stop wasting taxpayer money on global warming. The temperature has fluctuated since the beginning of time why do we now feel like we must control something that we have no control over and never will.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Door 3 please!

Behind door 1 is a corrupt rich Democrat. Behind door 2 is a corrupt rich Republican. Behind door 3 is a poor hard working honest man that nobody has ever heard of. It's time for a third party. It's time for a new direction. It's time to open a different door and stop the insanity. It's time to vote for independence from Republican and Democrat control of government. It's time for a third party to take control.

Sweet Caroline

I don't know about you but sweet Caroline leaves a sour taste in my mouth. She's the newest member of the cult of personality. She thinks that because of who she is she is entitled to a job that she has no qualifications for. If her name doesn't get her the job I'm sure she could buy the job Chicago style. If she doesn't get picked for the job she could also try calling Al Franken for tips on stealing the job.

Defund NPR Now!

Tell The Truth

The Heritage Foundation

Obama VS Reagan

Fair Tax

Unity Song

Stop Spending Our Future