Letter to our Government employees, Political Parties, the media and the American public:
This letter applies to the entities in our government and the political parties who have become nothing but a gang of thieves and liars and appeasers. This goes out to Democrats, Republicans, Independents…career politicians, lobbyists, criminal corporations, agencies, courts, Texas officials and the rest who conspire together against our citizens and our Constitution, our laws and our Freedom for their personal gain. I include your media pals who will turn on you when their ‘benefits’ dry up and there is nothing left to bail them out.; when their children ask why they did nothing to reveal what ultimately brought America to its knees.
What part of ‘Guilty’ do you people just not understand? What part of WE the PEOPLE don’t you get? When did you decide that Americans would not stand and fight once they realized the new Hitler Regime has installed itself in our country? When the sleeping giant realizes their front door has been kicked in and everything they worked for and believed in is being carted out? It’s embarrassing and nauseating to watch you people sit and cower in your seats and tremble while Obama, Murtha, Reid, Pelosi and their ilk behave as the Gestapo; silencing he half-hearted protests and barking orders, dispensing with protocol and legal procedure in Legislative committees and sessions while they smirk and thumb their noses at us all. A few Representatives and wannabes ‘posture’ and sing whatever song they think we will buy. They stand on stages and inspire the potential voters and then do nothing about the locked committee doors or the lack of inclusion by the ‘ruling’ party. They play ball with our enemies at home and abroad in secrecy. They are silent when our Constitutional laws are being ignored. They don’t use the system of checks and balances or remedies that are supposed to prevent circumvention of our laws.
Once again, I received a plea for money and support from John McCain and his bogus ‘Country First Pac’ and it boggles the mind considering the unmitigated gall. Country First? What does that mean? If he or the Lying, obfuscating Usurper in our White House had stepped up to the podium and actually told the people who they are and what their ultimate plans were, few would have cast a vote or a supportive dollar their way. After running a non-campaign in an obvious agreement to install the Usurper and his current Regime and even going so far as to undermine the best ally and asset he had if his intent had been to win, he thinks we are all stupid enough to support him. The disrespect and attempt to harm Sarah Palin is indefensible. She embodies the spirit of the Republican Conservative who loves America and our Constitution and she has a track record of undercutting the corruption that is rampant in our government; even when the corruption came from someone in her own Party. John McCain wasn’t losing well enough, as planned, even with the attempt to disrupt the positive effect of Palin; so he started ‘campaigning’ for his opponent. Do you honestly think we can’t see that the Republican Party was behind the whole thing and working in tandem with what we believed was the ‘other side’? It was nauseating to witness the complete refusal to expose the ‘Obama’ and all the praise offered him by our candidate.
Now, we have Bush Senior grinning and slobbering all over Obamao like a senile old woman. Lifelong Republicans have to face the fact that our government is entirely corrupt and our Party is DEAD; nothing but spineless buffoons destroying our future with their liberal politics and/or their absolute refusal to adhere to their Fiduciary responsibilities. WE don’t trust any of you. WE are looking at individuals and determining what they have actually DONE to promote and uphold American laws and values, not what they say when begging for our votes and money. You are all going to vote on behalf of the criminal lobbyists and corporations, big money contributors and, worst of all, the political money machine that is poised to rule the world…you have proven yourselves incompetent and untrustworthy. McCain and other pseudo-Republicans will go the same way as Reid and all who have refused to secure our borders and National Security and push the rest of the Liberal Socialistic agenda with no regard for the citizens who work hard and pay their salaries. McCain dilutes his own service to this country. His time is over and he needs to step aside before we completely forget what he endured on our behalf or seriously question what it did to damage his sensibilities.
McCain and many of our spineless ‘representatives’ have played the ‘centrist’, the liberal Republican for far too long. The productive, independent, patriotic backbone of this country has spoken and we are gaining in ranks. We are coming together with citizens from all races, Parties and backgrounds to fight the likes of you. My time, what little I have to offer and my efforts will go to those who speak up and tell the truth. It will go to those who ‘act’ and who join us in our efforts to take back our country and preserve our Liberties…not some joke of a Party which no longer upholds our values. It will go to individuals and not some political machine. I receive pleas from the Republican Party for donations on a regular basis while Michael Steele whines about making a ‘mistake’ in supporting SCUZZYfova. Mistake? Huh? The Republican Party knew who and what she was before they endorsed her.
The time for damage control is running out. Too many government agencies are corrupt and working in the service of those entities who set out to bring down our economy. Those who are not accepting money or other forms of compensation are obviously being threatened. I’ve seen too much of this up close as have many other citizens. How many of us do you think can be silenced? How many of us do you think are going to accept this heinous ‘change’ you have foisted upon us in the dark of night with back room deals, pandering to illegal immigrants and their countrymen along with the parasitic entitlement society to secure fraudulent votes and thuggery at the polls? You cannot fool the American public. We see the installation of everything from miscreants who eschew America and our values to practicing Muslims, Communists, Socialists, filthy pedophiles and tax evaders in the illegal Administration that set out to consume and control the industry in our Nation.
WE came to D.C. in the millions to be heard and to leave no question in your minds regarding what we will put up with and what we will do to take this country back. Arguably, there were over 3 million peace loving and hard working tax payers in D.C. or trapped on the freeways trying to enter and join the march in September. WHERE WERE YOU on 9/12/2009? Most of you cowards, Republican and Democrat alike, and your staff were given the ‘day off’ and told to get out of town that Thursday and you ran. Only a few of you stood WITH US and spoke the truth from that stage. WE traveled under hardship and from all corners of the world and you ran out of the city it was so hard for us to get to; some of you on our nickel in the luxury jets WE pay for. By our very numbers, we represented many millions more and you know those statistics better than I. We did not and do not ask for hand outs. We did not march for reliance on government ‘parenting’. WE came to tell you to get it together or get lost or we would throw you out on your ears along with the flop-eared fraud who is nothing but vomit on the floors of OUR White House. He, his spawn, his spouse and his Regime of Czars are the putrid result of your neglect and malfeasance.
And now, you want us to buy into the attempt to ‘blame’ only the Democrats and this Administration/REGIME? Are you out of your minds or do you honestly believe WE are? Are you merely stupid or are you members of a criminal gang of thieves and murderers? You have handed over our money and our Sovereignty to appease the entitlement society and the big contributors. At some point, most of you became a member of the mob in the process. You became nothing more or less than another parasite on the American Welfare System for life. The only difference between you and the illegal immigrant or the massive number of people draining our system through welfare programs YOU created is that you write your own welfare tickets. There is no difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Most of you sold out and most of you participated directly in the destruction of our country and our economy. Few have stepped up and stood up for America, our heritage and those who are dying right now to preserve everything we love and represent. NONE of you have the guts to expose what you know and tell the whole TRUTH, the real truth about what is going on in secrecy. In this day of communication, videos, pictures and testimony; we have enough information and more citizens by the day are beginning to learn and realize the nightmare many of you have in store for us. Many of us are already living most of that nightmare and we know who is responsible for our pain and losses.
When did you decide to sell out yourself, your country, your children and the people who trusted you? When did you make that first decision to ‘go along’ with the fraud and corruption? What did you already have to hide or did you create your first act of deception and treason the first time you agreed to something in your political life that you knew was fundamentally wrong? While you protect yourself, your pal, your corporate crony, your party, your powerful and moneyed contributor(s) from exposure; you participate in the annihilation of everything you vowed an Oath to protect.
You come begging to the very people who have nothing or little left on EMPTY PROMISES?! You are disgusting, disreputable, dishonorable excuses for human beings…much less leaders. If we set out today with honorable and investigative entities, departments and prosecutorial officers who are entrusted and paid by US to uphold and enforce our existing laws…many of you, including the current probable fraud in the White House, would be in prison cells in short order along with your cronies. You and they have conned, defrauded and stolen us into what is probably an irreversible pit of destruction and despair. AND YET, here you are asking us for money and support! YOU gave OUR money away and assisted in the loss of our jobs, our homes, our health and our property if by no other action than inaction. Our RICO laws were enacted to stop what you all seem to be participating in on one level or another. People like me and others who suffered from racketeering found that when local authorities and prosecutors and courts, judges and agencies could not be trusted; they were protected at state and Federal levels. It is blatant ‘in your face’ corruption and we see the dead bodies that seem to pile up every time an effort is made to expose the criminals.
You refused to enforce our immigration laws, you refused to vet the Usurper, you refused to stand up when millions of us begged for at least two of you to question and expose what we all already knew and were powerless to act upon, you refused to put a halt to the bogus global warming scam and related global treaties, Cap and Trade (TAX), government intervention in our private lives and our personal medical care. But, there you are in session refusing to read the bills or listen to one another’s speeches while you play solitaire, check sports scores and play on Face Book. Impressive. We will fire you for that, just as we would fire any employee on our payroll for negligence.
WE DO NOT WANT A NEW WORLD ORDER, GLOBAL ECONOMY, GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND THE HITLERESQUE/MARXIST SOCIETY you are pushing or going along with to prevent exposure of your own trespasses. Pelosi said it herself; this is the endgame, the un-Constitutional usurpation of our Liberty couched in legislation intended to fool the masses by calling it Healthcare. That Bill is roughly 2000 pages of theft and racketeering and you think we will accept a compromise or two? Even if you say no illegals will be covered, that only means you turn around and grant amnesty to the lot of them; including the possible illegal who managed to slither into our White House. How can you compromise on a Bill you haven’t read, much less vote on it? Burn it now and revisit it AFTER we have eliminated the waste and fraud that already exists, secured our borders and deported every last illegal and you can figure out how to put together a simpler version that actually benefits Legal citizens. We won’t bow down to any government entity. We won’t join other countries who allow some system of massive bureaucracies funded by massive costs stolen out of our pockets with lowlife government employees determining who can live and who can die…who gets the treatment they need or merely a pain pill and death counseling. Counseling from another ill trained, incompetent government parasite?
By your desired definition and that of ‘Nappy-politano’, I would be labeled an extremist. By the current Regime’s convenient definition I would be labeled a terrorist or some such in order to inter me in one of those camps we’ve all seen pictures and videos of. But, the reality is this: Most of you are the real enemies of our Nation working in tandem with those from other countries who want nothing more than to sink a saber in the backs of you and your children to rule the world. I am a simple, hard working citizen who grew up learning history and respecting our system of laws. A woman who wouldn’t park in a handicap spot out of laziness or convenience. A woman who values the rewards and compensation earned from work and personal effort. I am not a religious fanatic nor am I some activist freak with illusions of grandeur. I don’t speak from a position of paranoia or dementia. I have the experience, knowledge and proof to back me up and so do others. I have history to guide me and the eyes and intelligence to see what is happening. I believe in America and the Constitution and all the people who sacrificed everything to preserve it. AND I am a voter. AND I speak for MILLIONS of American Citizens who are doing their best to survive this catastrophe.
Extreme? Would you be extremely angry if your personal life, finances, health and American Dream had been systematically destroyed by corporate criminals who were blatantly under the protection of every major policing, investigative, political and enforcement agency? Would you be furious watching the same thing being done to your fellow citizens, who also begged for help and legal intervention even after you had tried to ring the bell and stop the train? Would you find it hard to breathe when some of the criminals were finally exposed and yet they were gifted Billions out of our Treasury while people like me were left to twist in the wind and watch the people most responsible given positions of power, raises, promotions and crazy bonuses for jobs done badly or illegally? Who would not be utterly incredulous when the same agency who tells you that your life is in danger because of your evidence and efforts to achieve justice and then informs you that another ‘deal’ has been cut with the corporate perpetrators and they have been set loose to continue their racketeering as usual and the public will not be informed; leaving millions of innocent people at the mercy of their continued fraud? What does a lawful citizen, a victim do when that agency says a broad policy has been issued to keep those results secret and that FOIA requests will not be honored?
People like me should have been testifying before Congress. We have and will continue to amass evidence that will see the light of day.
This mess is building to a crescendo while you all fiddle and try to hang onto the wealth and privilege you have attained in your quest for ‘royal status and aristocratic immunity and lifestyles’ at our expense and loss. CAN YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE? CAN YOU FEEL THE GROUNDSWELL? WILL YOU HIDE IN YOUR BUNKERS OR JOIN THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION WHO WILL NOT LIE DOWN AND SUCK IT UP AND CONTINUE TO WORK AND SUPPORT FRAUD, THEFT AND GENERAL MALFEASANCE WHILE THEIR DREAM IS REDUCED TO A PUFF OF PUTRID SMOKE AND THEIR LIVES HAVE BEEN INTRUDED UPON IN THE MOST PERSONAL AND PRIVATE ASPECTS? When the people you depend upon have little left to lose, they will act out of desperation and self-preservation and we will all pay a horrific price for it.
Your private,’ members only’ game of Monopoly will come to a screeching halt one way or the other. Do you really think we are going to allow you and your corporate cronies to take over and control what will add up to nearly 50% of our industry with the current UnHealthcare legislation? Do you really think we are going to be ABLE OR CARE to work and pay the taxes that you depend upon to fund your incompetence? Do you think Americans will work in chains and at the end of a whip or a gun? WE are broke BECAUSE YOU idiots can’t manage a Dairy Queen, much less an entire country…or political Party. You can’t even offer a half-million dollar ‘Save Wild Horses Bill” without adding another $ 650 Million in pork and welfare. You’re so corrupt and derelict in your duties that you add Hate Crime legislation to the Military and Defense Bill in order to get that insane twaddle passed because it would not pass on its own. If that is not extortion, I don’t know what is…yet you all practice it routinely. If we are all working for the government or sitting on our fannies collecting welfare checks, how are you going to pay for your jets, parties and Gold Standard medical care? Oh yeah, many of you have your bribery funds to tap into for the time being. That is until the New World Order starts eliminating your jobs as well.
The scores of self-interested individuals and billions of dollars that you all circulate amongst yourselves and your conflicts of interest are not going unnoticed any longer and will not be tolerated. We won’t cower in fear while this massive ‘Home Invasion’ minus (so far…anyway) the kicking down of our doors and the literal raping of our children continues. There is no difference between the two ‘crimes’ and we demand exposure, prosecution and an end to this insanity.
Like the career criminal facing life in prison, you think you can apologize or blame someone else to sidestep your culpability? Make promises without taking responsibility for your roles in this travesty? Glory, wealth, privilege, authority, control, prosecutorial immunity is only temporary. A remedial course in history will teach you that lesson. Take a little time away from your computer games, money swaps, golf outings, elaborate parties, jet setting, gratuitous glad -handing and mutual back slapping and read a bit of World History.
To be clear: I am not personally making sinister threats as I don’t have the means to carry out any threats you might imagine or attempt to accuse me of. I am however exercising my right to tell the truth, speak my opinion and observe obvious facts and a ‘climate’ that is heating up in my country and it saddens me to acknowledge what I believe will eventually occur. No matter what happens now, we have a lot of work to do. The first of which is to remove most of you and hopefully prosecute a good number of guilty parties. We will find a way through the grassroots efforts and involvement of so many Americans to bring our own candidates to the table and vote the bulk of you out of office as quickly as we can. We can only do our best and hope our beloved Nation is not forced to follow the same route as our Founders due to our own government’s role in putting the apparent Muslim-in-Chief in charge and declaring war on the citizens.
After the horrific shootings of innocent citizens and military personnel by a Muslim who should have been apprehended based upon his actions prior to the incident, shouldn’t we all be concerned about this frightening sham of a POTUS who was trained in the most devout Muslim schools and schooled relentlessly from childhood in Socialist/Marxist/communist philosophy and who sings the praises of Islam and gifts money to Muslim terrorist funds, spends years developing relationships with pedophiles, thugs, tax evaders, domestic terrorists and murderers, an America hating/vitriol spewing preacher and criminal community organizations? Shouldn’t we worry about the installation of those people in influential, high paid government positions? Shouldn’t we question how he attained his position and who helped him reach that status? Shouldn’t we be a bit disconcerted over his and his minions’ mad dash to ram through one Marxist policy and law after another? Why are our useless leaders and our courts sitting idly by while he spends more than $1.5 million to prevent turning over his birth certificate, college records and all the other pertinent information the American people have every right to see? Shouldn’t we demand he stand aside, turn it all over, tell the truth instead of allowing him to behave as though he and he alone is so elevated as to be above the law and better than all former Presidents who were happy to prove their legitimacy? Millions of Americans are still waiting for the answers to these questions that we have asked and our pseudo-leaders continue to dance around and refuse to even acknowledge. Would those revelations be harmful or embarrassing? More harmful than the long term damage that is already being done? Do truth and our Sovereignty, our Freedom and our legacy mean less than protecting and assisting a liar and a probable fraud?
Jump to conclusions? Give me a break. How much more evidence do we need to come to the only possible conclusion about the current circumstances we are facing?
- Deborah Warren
Texan, Natural Born American Citizen, Patriot and Constitutionalist
Posted By giveusliberty1776 to Give Us Liberty at 11/15/2009 09:44:00 AM
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