May Winner is Hillary Clinton

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stimulus Bill

Any good lawyer will tell you don't sign anything that you haven't read. The stimulus bill is 1100 pages and I would be willing to bet that nobody who is voting for this bill has had the time or the initiative to read this bill in it's entirety. Everyone will be affected by this bill but almost nobody has had the chance to read it. The Democrats are willing to bankrupt the country by trying to quickly push through a stimulus bill which is full of pork projects that should be put off until we solve the immediate problems. This bill is everything that Barack Obama said it is not. It is full of earmarks, pet projects and is everything but bipartisan. Less than a month in office and the lies are flowing fast and furious. what happened to transparency and honesty. Contrary to what Democrats and a few Republicans may think, doing nothing in this case would be better than doing the wrong thing.This is clearly the wrong thing to do. It rewards bad behavior. If this bill passes we will be cleaning house on voting day and throwing the bastards who voted for this screw you bill out of office.

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