May Winner is Hillary Clinton

Monday, March 16, 2009

AIG is toast

If the government continues to attack the employees who earned bonuses and have a legal right to collect bonuses they will bring down the company they are supposed to be helping. Nobody will want to work for this company or do business with this company knowing the government can step in at any time and take away money they've earned at will. Had the government put a little more thought into the agreement with AIG they would have seen this coming and made the elimination of bonuses earned as part of the agreement BEFORE they bailed them out. It seems like politicians foresight is getting worse by the day. Barack Obama is pretending that he is surprised by these bonuses but getting these bonuses was a part of the agreement he made. This situation is getting so bad they need armed guards outside the building at AIG. They might as well shut the place down before they waste any more taxpayer money.

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