May Winner is Hillary Clinton

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Country Deserves Better

Tension is mounting in the Presidential election and cooler heads must prevail. The results in this election regardless of outcome will probably bring violent protests. This is a problem you would expect in a third world country but it can and almost certainly will happen given the current financial crisis and the extreme liberal positions of Barack Obama. There is a lot of angry people and the problem is escalating to the breaking point. We need to calmly present our views of why John McCain is the best choice for America and win the hearts and minds of Barack Obama supporters without resorting to insults and personal attacks. Just state the facts and if everyone voting for John McCain convinces a couple of people to vote for McCain instead of Obama then John McCain will easily win in November. Regardless of who wins we need to keep our cool and work together for the common good of everyone. Our country deserves better and we owe it to future generations to make things better not worse.

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